Monday, July 30, 2007

Newfangled Ways...

So, I finally gave in to this whole blog thing. Don't get me wrong, I love technology - my Dad ingrained the sense and desire of enjoying the latest toys in my subconscious. My 'Wired' subscription doesn't do a bad job fueling that desire to explore new technologies each month too.

So, here it is - a blog for 'Troy Sterling Nies, film music composer' - as I was told - I'm to define the purpose of this BLOG. This blog will function as a link to all my friends, family, fans(?) who are interested in my coming and goings and what it is exactly I am doing in regards to all things music/art/creation.

Right now, I'm figuring out the interface for this - and as soon as I do that I'll cross-link to my official website . I hope your inner voyeur finds this blog useful and perhaps even a little interesting.


Troy Sterling Nies

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