Well, I have

officially taken a huge step closer to the 'darkside' that is Mac. I purchased a MacBook Pro 17' and am now running Digital Performer 5.12. This will be a nice addition to the PC setup I currently run (Sonar Pro 5). Instrument and sound libraries will include the same libraries I have been using (East West, Native Instruments, etc.). bul will soon include the MOTU Symphonic plugins soon as well.
With the new MacBook Pro, I'm finding it to be a very intuitive OS (Leopard). I've been exploring 'widgets' and am actually typing this blog entry using a handy little blogger widget. Grreat stuff!
'In Search of Lovec

raft' is in full swing - scoring is going well as I continue to work with Todd Hartman and David Hohl. The score, so far, can be described as a combination of organic instrumentation and electronic sounds - certainly stuff to send a chill up the spine. Check back for more updates and clips soon.
1 comment:
I think you've got it backwards - PC is the 'darkside', Mac is the 'lightside'. :)
Anyway, congrats on the upgrade and good luck with "In Search of Lovecraft". I look forward to hearing the clips.
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